Air Source Heat Pump Grant

Air Source Heat Pump Grant

Air source heat pumps are an energy-efficient and low-carbon source to warm your house. Luckily, the UK government grant for air source heat pumps allows a free air source heat pump, or at a low cost. Grants are provided under the ECO4 (Energy Company Obligation) scheme, which started in 2022 and will run till 2026. The ECO4 scheme will provide a grant of up to £7,500 to assist in the installation.

Green Home Grants UK is working for the UK Government to help households make energy-efficient and eco-friendly home improvements. Connect with us if you are eligible for the air source heat pump grant in the UK, and reduce your energy bills with increased energy efficiency.

Are you eligible for a grant?

It is the first question concerning the grant. You are eligible if you cover the criteria below:

  • A beneficiary of Ofgem benefits such as Income Support (IS), Child Tax Credit (CTC), Housing Benefit, Universal Credit (UC), JSA, ESA, PCGC, WTC, PCSC, and Child Benefits.
  • You are the homeowner, or you have permission from the owner if you live as a tenant.
  • Your home has a low-energy performance certificate.

How does the air source heat pump work?

The air source heat pump works similarly to a refrigerator in reverse. The process includes the following steps:

  • Air from the outside is pulled across a series of tubes containing a refrigerant, which works at -28°C. It allows to absorb thermal energy from the external air.
  • The refrigerant gas is compressed, escalating its pressure and temperature, causing it to transition from a low-temperature gas to a high-temperature liquid.
  • The high-pressure, heated liquid is then directed through a heat exchanger, which uses the liquid’s heat to warm water circulating through your home’s radiator heating system.

What are the benefits of installing air source heat pumps?

Air source heat pumps (ASHP) come with a variety of benefits:

  • An energy-efficient source, which can save up to £1,330 per year compared to older variants
  • Environment-friendly and low-carbon emissions than heating through oil and gas.
  • Longer lifetime in contrast to the traditional boiler.
  • Two-in-one option providing both heating and cooling.
  • Low maintenance requirement as compared to other boiler alternatives.
  • Government support in the form of funds available to assist in the installation.